Mijn naam is Doenja Oosterwijk-van Oldeniel, getrouwd met Jelle Oosterwijk. Samen met mijn man en onze 2 hondjes wonen wij in Doesburg. In de weekenden mogen we ons mooie gezin compleet maken met mijn 3 bonuskinderen. Ik zou mijzelf graag willen omschrijven als een enthousiast en gedreven persoon. Ik werk resultaat en oplossingsgericht. Mensen met respect behandelen vind ik erg belangrijk. Eerlijkheid staat bij mij hoog in het vaandel. Woorden als sociaal, creatief en initiatief nemen passen bij mij. Een gezonde dosis inlevings- en doorzettingsvermogen doen mijn naam dan ook wel eer aan.

In addition to my own company Glim Creations, where I provide various items with a beautiful glitter layer, personalized or not, I work in healthcare. Currently as a coordinating supervisor in a family replacement home for people with disabilities. In order to be able to work in healthcare, I obtained my SPW diploma in the past and over the years I was able to supplement my skills with various courses and training, so that I can also mean a lot in the field of personal guidance and care. After my SPW education, I completed my HBO HRM study. Planning and organizing is always a recurring theme on my CV. From working in the hospitality industry, where I was able to gain a large dose of people knowledge. Working as an account manager, where relationship management, planning and organization are of great importance. Until working as an HRM/policy officer at a healthcare institution. All fun to do. In addition to the paid jobs, I think it is very important to contribute to the social and societal field. From 2017 to 2019 I was able to join the board of the Aad Zwaan Foundation as secretary. The Foundation that is committed to people with disabilities who would like to play tennis at different levels, such as wheelchair tennis and G tennis. In 2019 we set up the Aangehaakt Foundation together with a group of friends and as treasurer of the board I was able to dedicate myself to Damian, the son of friends who was born with a GEN abnormality, who, thanks to the efforts of the foundation, and many great actions by all islanders on the island of Texel, he was able to continue living at home with his family.
Now it's time to set up our own Foundation. As secretary/treasurer of the Moulin Foundation I will dedicate myself to many people who could use a positive turn in life. I want to connect and make as many beautiful memories as possible with beautiful and loving people around us. Focus on the positive in this beautiful and precious life.